


The administration of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FIEC) is exercised, in their hierarchical order, by the following organizations and authorities:

Dean of the FIEC: Jorge Aragundi Rodríguez, Ph. D.
Sub-Dean of the FIEC: Vanessa Inés Cedeño Mieles, Ph. D.

Miguel Torres Rodríguez, Ph. D.
Otto Alvarado Moreno. M. Sc.
Douglas Plaza Guingla, Ph. D.

Angel Recalde Lino, Ph. D.


Jorge Aragundi Rodríguez, Ph. D.

There are memorable trajectories that have been developed, evidenced and socialized with effort and sacrifice throughout our life stories and also within our academic and professional journey. Some have been supported by our parents, family, friends, teachers, administrators, and other colleagues involved in the development of these experiences. Personally, I began my career journey as an aspirant, continued as a student, then as a teacher, and now I serve as dean.
I aim to contribute to the growth, strengths improvement, and analysis of opportunities for our faculty. This challenge will allow me to position the FIEC as a unit committed to academia, research, partnerships, and institutional project planning that meet the needs of our society. Furthermore, we will create a collective space to establish cooperative ties with the community, industry, and society at large to enhance the country's productive development, while fostering international collaborations aligned with the ESPOL Institutional Strategic Plan. Our commitment will always be focused on meeting the country's development needs and continually improving the quality of life in which ESPOL operates.


Vanessa Inés Cedeño Mieles, Ph. D.

The student formation process is vital, significantly impacting the future of each individual and the country as a whole. With the responsibility that characterizes us, from the Vice Deanship of FIEC, we strive to be a benchmark in addressing academic and administrative challenges. We aim for every space within our faculty (classrooms, laboratories, library, pathways) to bear witness to a crucial stage in the lives of our students. We endeavor towards a genuine community of knowledge, conceived as a university campus fostering interdisciplinary connections in research, innovation, and teaching. We are a prestigious faculty, with students esteemed for their professional training and values.


Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Hybrid)
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Online)
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Automation Engineering
Telecommunications engineering
Telematic Engineering

Allan Avendaño, M. Sc.

Eduardo Cruz, M. Sc.

José Luis Asencio, M. Sc.
Miguel Torres Rodríguez, Ph. D.
Wilton Agila Galvez, Ph. D.
Luis Vásquez Vera, M. Sc.
José Córdova García, Ph. D.

Automation and Industrial Control - MACI
Computer Science - MCC
Data Science - MDS
Biomedical Engineering - MIB
Applied Information Security - MSI
Management Information Systems - MSIG
Electric Power Systems- MSEP
Telecommunications - MET

Douglas Plaza, Ph. D.
Daniel Ochoa, Ph.D.
José Córdova, Ph. D.
Miguel Yapur, M. Sc.
Lenin Freire, M. Sc.
Lenin Freire, M. Sc.
Luis Ugarte, Ph. D.
Verónica Soto, M. Sc.

Applied Computational Science - DCCA
Electric engineering- DIE

Mónica Villavicencio, Ph. D.
Ángel Domingo Sappa, Ph. D.

Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Automation Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering
Telematic Engineering

Frank Malo, M. Sc.
Douglas Aguirre, M. Sc.
José Cueva, Mgtr.
José Moncayo, M. Sc.
Luis Pesantes, M. Sc.

Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Automation Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering
Telematic Engineering

Cruz María Falcones, M. Sc.
Héctor Plaza, M. Sc.
Alexander Prieto, Ph. D.
Maricela Freire Barba, M. Sc.
Rayner Durango,M.Sc.

Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Automation Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering
Telematic Engineering

Lissette Cabello, M. Sc.
Manuel Álvarez, Ph. D.
Adriana Aguirre, M. Sc.
Verónica Soto, M. Sc.
Albert Espinal, M. Sc.

Continuing Education Program
Alumni Tracking

Rayner Durango, M. Sc.
Alexandra Arias, M. Sc.
Washington Velásquez, Ph. D.
Verónica Duarte, M. Sc.

Organization Chart
